Monday, May 18, 2009

Brain Drain...The other side of countries who lose their well educated scientists

I found this other article about African countries. If we look to "Love and Gold" by Hochschild, it is the same circumstance which make people to leave their countries. In most of the people are always going to follow the money. Also everybody dreams is to improve his and families conditions so that we are willing to immigrate to other countries which offer more for our knowledge.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Brain Drain's Competition

I have found a interesting news in a Korean's web site. In my opinion the competition for Brain drain has just started. Every country in the first world is train to attract the best from the best from other countries. Although everybody love their countries, as we said in Spanish "por la plata baila el mono" (for money, the monkey dance) everybody followes the money. Always is going to be true that we go for who offer the most. Now every country which wants to go up and being nearly to the first world country is offering better life and more money to prepared and trained people who can make this country look better as Koreanis trying to do now.
Third World countries are losing this battle and their brains.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


My Research and Interview
The person I want to interview is a immigrant therapist women who was brought to USA, Indiana, by a company to work for them. After a couple months she lost her job and had to find other one to avoid being illegal. She has work in different states for different companies. She is single and has not kids.
I would try to interview other 2 person who come in similar conditions but with slide different. One have a daughter who stay in her country with relative and came here after 5 years her mother had moved here. The other one had a family which moved with here to the USA. Her husband quit his job to follow her dreams.

My research question is: How emotional labor plus globalization define your professional's direction?
How moving to USA change the family dynamic and economically?

*how you family react when you decide to come here?
1. Why you decide to come to USA?
2. What are the advantage of moving to USA has bring to you?
*and from different states?
3. What is the worst part of moving here?
4. What is the most difficult place that you have work at?
5. What other places have you work at?
6. How different is to work here than in your country?
7. In someway we always idealize our past which cause us to doubt in our decisions. Which one is the one which made doubt about coming here?
8. How difficult was to come here with a title from other country?
*how difficult was for you the tests?
9. Everybody when they start to study they like an area of their professional. How it changes since you came here?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My Research and Interview

The person I want to interview is a person who was bring to USA by a company to work for them. She has work in different states for different companies.

My research question is: How emotional labor plus globalization define your professional's direction?

1. Why you decide to come to USA?
2. What are the advantage of moving to USA has bring to you?
*and from different states?
3. What is the worst part of moving here?
4. What is the most difficult place that you have work at?
5. What other places have you work at?
6. How different is to work here than in your country?

Globalization or 3 World Euthanasia....

NO ONE can stop the globalization which is costing to people in 3 World their live in many ways. 1 World is not just taking out the brains and love of the 3 World, they also are stolen the innocent and childhood of 3 World's kids.
Every person is a little part of the global economy. If we analyze everything we use, eat or wear, most of them are make outside of the USA. We consume international products although the brands are from the USA . We can see in every clothes’ tag we use, they say “Made in…” In every of the factories which made this cloths, people are going through inhumane conditions as we saw in the film Mardi Gras Made in China. In many cases, they use children or adolescents as a workers because their a cheaper workers.
Also we can see in the same countries in the 3 World, how rich people exploit kids or older workers. The globalization is going to take the best of each part, but who is losing more is poor countries who can do anything else than go with the economical power.
The worst part it is that without the money that the globalization effect bring to that countries people could no afford, kind of, better life that they used to have.


he experience of looking for a work have never change. In the pass, people consider themselves lucky when they get a well paid job, but they have to pass many things to get it. Wait for the guy to come ask a bunch of questions, kind of review your resume, and then wait again. It is the game of hoping for a lucky day. Now a days it is the same it is happened in many places or in many jobs position. You go out to an interview hoping to be chosen by the interviewer. Many times after the interview, you feel pretty bad because the person do not give you the job, meanwhile they think they are the best because they are playing to be the owner for awhile.

On the other hand, it is the thousands of immigrants worker that everyday live in this situation where they are waiting in corners for a van or pick up to pull over and just a few of them. People who is rich never worry for getting a job. Everybody else have to see how to make their living.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Economical Class

A economical and social class are always going to liked and almost going together. In many countries your social class is judged by your incomes and material possessions which are going to indicated to which class you belong. Although many people wish to have more money so that they can move up, most of us have to work hard to make our living without seeing anytime soon our social class change.
Family, for almost any Latin person, is all your uncles, cousin, aunts, grandparents and, of course, siblings, mon and dad. In my country, if you have a family member in better social position, that means that you social position is going up a little bit.
My family is belong in some way to working class because every member work to support the house expenses. Every adult usually left the house around 7:00 am and came back by 5:00pm, meanwhile all the kids were staying with my Grandmother in her house.
My grand parents always taught to their kids to work hard, but by the time they were growing up they have to work in agriculture after school. My Grandparents were not people with money, they were hard worker who found the way to send their kids to school so that they could grow up being respect for every person in the town. With the same perspective of life, every person in the family have grow up to work hard, to be respect,and take care of the family reputation which give us a little more in the social status in our community.